
Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5th and the Long Range Forecast

This is the kind of day that's not good for much more than snuggling in,
hugging up to the fire, and eating something warm.
The temperature on the thermometer is reading 43.7 right now 
at 4 pm but it was quite icy this morning.
The Ole Man called from work to let me know there was some slick spots around. 

So now what?
A white chicken chili is great on a day like today.
I'm also a bread lover, so slice me off a hunk of  Mozzarella French Toast.
A cup of coffee and a movie and the day is pretty much set.

Thanks for dropping by for the forecast.
What your weather looking like?

Be Careful on your weekend travels
Be Blessed!


  1. Hi Lynn,

    Cold weather calls for comfort food and your white chicken chili is just the ticket to a warm and cozy day, lazying around in simple luxury!

    Enjoy and thanks for sharing!

    Stay warm!


    1. I'm curious, Does the weather Greece get very cold? It always looks warm and sunny in most pictures I've seen. Thank so much for visiting and the nice comment on my chili recipe. I think it hard to really mess a chili up but this one is especially good because of the creamy nature of the Northern Beans.

      I'm going to hop over to your place, I'm sure you have pictured warming rays.
      Hope your week is beginning in a wonderful way!

  2. Chili is perfect for cold days! We live in southeast Missouri and normally don't get too cold in the winter like those further north, but today it is only 3 degrees! Apparently it's the lowest we've seen in over a decade. But in just a couple days it'll be back up into the 40s, thank goodness.

    PS - Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting! I hope you can start up another flock when the weather gets nice. I just love my chickens :)

    1. Oh my..our weather fluctuates alot too but we are usually see-sawing between 30-50 degrees sometimes even warmer this time of year. They saw that weather is coming our way, it will be interesting to see what moves our way.

      We miss our hens, too..we had predator problems..
