Friday, January 4, 2013

Ramble On/Good-bye 2012..Hello 2013

I can't believe it as taken me almost a week to put down some line. 
Are you one of the folks that make resolution?
Are you able to keep them?
There have been years I tried to make some simple resolution. Most of them ended in failure. Then I was one of those people who said, " Aww...resolution..I don't do 'em."  
On December 31, 2010; I made one sort of my accident. I was driving into work very close to midnight. My drive takes me past a church that has a announcement board where they post their times and often a little message. A lot of the time I'm not impressed with the way to cutie cute messages that are on almost every church your drive by. I'm not judging the churches that do this but basically even though I'm a believer I can be terribly cynical. (I've been trying to work on that one) The sign read:
2011 Resolution: To Know God Better.
When I read it I said out loud to myself," Well there's a good one and the only one worth making. That will be my resolution for the year." 
What a resolution it was! 
I had one of the most trying years of my life but I also had a most joyous year. I am positive that God heard my words. 

When time came to ring in 2012, I was sure to be careful of my words and I continue not to prefer resolutions. For me a resolution not kept is much like a broken promise. It's better to not promise at all than to promise and then be untrue. So instead of a resolution I set 10 Goals for 2012. These were personal goals. I also wanted to pick worthy goals that I prayed over. I also reminded myself, these were my goals and not necessarily God's goals.

Out of 10, I met 6. 
Now I'm trying to find my 10 Goals for 2013.
Again, these will be personal goals. Here are a few questions I've been asking myself:
  1. Would this be a goal that God would be pleased with?
  2. Have I prayed about my goals?
  3. Am I going dedicate time to work on these goals?
Do you make resolution or do you set goals?
There are a few key words that keep shouting out to me as I think about 2013.
Those words are time and faith

What words do you think of for 2013?

I want to thank for stopping by.
I want to wish you a truly
Blessed Day
A Wonderfully Prosperous New Year!


  1. While hi girlfriend! First of all thanks for stopping by, and secondly you asked a question. Not to sound like a heathen because your resolutions should be what everyone's should be & mine is, but I also have one, which is to lose weight because if I do having Spinal stenosis I won't have so much pain. I've lost 51 lbs. so far since last year, but I'd like to lose 75 this year. I'd be happy with 50, but I'm pushin' for 75. So wish me luck on that one for sure. Have a great weekend.

    1. Oh my word! Congratulations on what you've already accomplished!I think you've picked a very worthy goal/resolution. I am also wanting to get in better shape this new year too. Good luck; I can tell you don't need luck you already have so much determination.

  2. To me those are the most important questions to ask. Then of course, set back and really listen to God's answer.

    Great post.

    1. I totally agree. It's funny how we can convince ourselves we are doing what God wants when it's really just what we want.

    2. When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.

      Proverbs 29:18 (New Living Translation)

      Our preacher preached on this yesterday.

    3. Ain't it funny how that happens! Love it!

  3. Hi! I'm a new follower from the WeeklyBNSBash team on Etsy. Here's my blog if you'd like to follow me back: What a great thing to see if it's something God would be pleased with. I'm reading a book about how to live a less stressed life and a lot of it is about going to God first before trying to handle the problem yourself, so that's what I'm working on for this year.

    1. Hey Brenda! It's so nice to meet ya. I can't wait to check your blog out. I am so crazy about Etsy. I love seeing what inspires people. I was a person that had become extremely stressed out and it really did come from letting my life get out of order. When God is first the rest will fall into place. I have to admit I have to be continually working on keeping God first.

  4. Knowing God better is also one of my goals for this year. Everthing else on the list really doesn't compare in importance to that one goal. May we both keep this resolution this year is my prayer.
