
Friday, September 16, 2016

Family Reunion and a Potluck Meal

Happy , Happy Friday to you!
I'm not as excited about the fact that it's Friday as I am about the family get-together tomorrow with the my family on my Mama's side. We don't call it a reunion but I suppose that's what it really is. It's really just Mama's brother's and the children and the grandchildren and great-grandchildren and so on!
My mother was the youngest of eleven. All the sisters and quite a few of the brothers have passed away. 
I think the reason we don't call it a reunion is because it is something that we have always done!

Our family is somewhat unique and close! 
When my Grandma was alive it was an every Saturday thing;
everyone showed up. 
I guess you could say we communed as a family as it had always been.

There was absolutely nothing fancy but beautiful it was.
It still is for us now. 
My Mama and Daddy live at the homeplace now and that's where we all continue to gather once or twice a year. It's kinda of amazing there's always a bitter sweetness for the ones that have gone and the looks on the faces of the ones that are left but oh man...has one family grown. 

Now use to Grandma did the cooking every Saturday!
I mean a electric and a wood cook stove and two tables full of prepared food.
Lol..even if it was 80 degrees outside that wood cook stove was cranking!
Grandma was amazing and there was nothing like her.
It takes all of us these days. Mama cooks up a mess of stuff and everyone brings a dish or two but if you don't have the time or just don't cook don't worry there is always plenty.

Now that leads me to figuring out what I'm bringing. That can get hard because we all know certain things get claimed quickly. Don't even think about deviled eggs or chicken. 
I'm thinking I'm going to dumpling up.

I think I'll take my Turkey Dumpling Casserole.

The dessert I've chosen will be Apple Dumplings. They are dumplings but completely different than the casserole. Lol..I don't think I even have a picture. I will try to get some pictures and a recipe for those. they are very good.
I also think I'm going to try this new little dish I had pinned on Pinterest. 

I think I had a version of it at a dinner at work one time
it was very, very good.
This is a recipe from Manila Spoon.
Check her site out. It's pretty awesome.

I'll definitely try to take some pics of what I come up with.
I am the worse to tweek and change a recipe so it's always a little different.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Be Blessed!


  1. Have a wonderful time! I'm an only child, but my husband, kids and I have dinner with my parents every other Saturday. It is definitely a special time for all.

    1. It makes me glad to hear of families that still gather together, big or small. I personally think that is one of the biggest breakdowns in our country; the lack of family bonding. I hope you are heading into a wonderful week.

    2. It makes me glad to hear of families that still gather together, big or small. I personally think that is one of the biggest breakdowns in our country; the lack of family bonding. I hope you are heading into a wonderful week.

  2. Enjoy your get together! When I was a child, my dad's family had reunions twice each summer. Oh, the food and the memories! Now people are spread far and wide, and mostly only the retired ones meet at a buffet restaurant every other month. Sigh.
    I was happy to learn you also have a recipe blog : )

    1. Hey Jo, I'm glad to hear your family gets together too. I absolutely enjoyed myself yesterday. Some of my own children even showed up that I wasn't expecting to make it. My Mama was a bit melancholy even though I could tell she enjoyed everyone getting together. I guess realizing how many older members of the family have passed away. Our head count was least it's ever been but was still very good. recipe blog has wained a bit. My ratty notebook is still the same with with recipes crammed in it. I need to get back on that project. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful week!

    2. Hey Jo, I'm glad to hear your family gets together too. I absolutely enjoyed myself yesterday. Some of my own children even showed up that I wasn't expecting to make it. My Mama was a bit melancholy even though I could tell she enjoyed everyone getting together. I guess realizing how many older members of the family have passed away. Our head count was least it's ever been but was still very good. recipe blog has wained a bit. My ratty notebook is still the same with with recipes crammed in it. I need to get back on that project. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. The turkey dumplings and apple dumplings were yummmmy!!

    1. Thank you Ann, LOL...I changed up a little. Chicken dumpling casserole instead of Turkey and pea salad instead of oriental salad. So much food. .so little time.

    2. Thank you Ann, LOL...I changed up a little. Chicken dumpling casserole instead of Turkey and pea salad instead of oriental salad. So much food. .so little time.
