Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2012

Primitive Cat On String

This is a re-post. 
I pulled these out the other day.
Their a little crazy but they make me happy to look at them,
so I thought they might make you happy, too.
So  I was feeling a little crafty today. I am more of a do-it-yourselfer than artistic or crafty but that is what makes primitive crafts a good choice for me. I had been thinking of doing something featuring cats and this is what evolved. It's not a complicated so I just kind of winged it. I'm sure you can too. 

Here's my cats on a string. If you like another animal or shape as long as it's fairly simple it should work out fine.

First, I drew a simple cat head out of paper and cut it out.

Next, I selected the plaid flannel from my stash of clothe.
I thought the browns gave it an old feel.

Then I pinned my pattern to my fabric and cut two set.

The more I looked at the fabric I was convinced it didn't look aged enough.
That's when I took the leftover morning coffee and a teaspoon of salt along with my material; brought it to a boil and let it soak a bit.

When my clothe was dry; I sewed, stuffed and attacked the twine.
Miss-matched buttons added that crazy cat feel and voila!

My cats on a string.

Don't worry. Lack of perfection just adds to the whole primitive feel.
Thanks for checking out my DIY.
Have a blessed day.