This morning is a bit grey outside, looking like it could rain but offer a glimpses of sunshine in a very selfish kind of way. After getting the kids on the bus this morning I noticed how I my yard had been neglected after being out of town the weekend. Lots of warm rainy days has made everything grow wild.
On of those things is the morning glory vines that try so hard to take over every planting and bush I have. Morning glories offer a beautiful flower but always beware of their nature to climb everything until all you have is a mangled mess of morning glory vines. You can see how they have taken over my hydrangea and rose of sharon.
I started cutting and unwrapping them when I noticed how the vines fell on the ground looking much like a wreath. So you know me...why not make this mess into a wreath.
So I tried to cut them in much bigger lengths to give me more to wrap.
Next, the only thing to decide was how big I wanted my circle and start wrapping.
I made mine sort of small. I'm not quite sure how good it will look as it dries but if it doesn't look appealing it didn't cost me anything but a few moments of my time.
I managed to get two wreaths made out of the vines I cut away today and I really wanted a third one but not to worry by tomorrow or the next day I'm sure to have enough to make another.
Thank you for visiting my wild and hap-hazard decorating.