Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Music Moves Me

Good Monday to ya!
Not quite morning but let me see if I can get moving towards another
Monday Music Moves Me.
Mark from Chronicles of a Caveman has picked our theme this week,
music that moves us forward.

This morning I'm feeling more like I keep taking one step forward just to take two steps back.
So I'm starting this one out with the Desert Rose Band.
Well that was a nice song down memory lane makes me think of those Saturdays before life was complicated and all a girl had to worry about was getting to Carolina Country for some
 two stepping.

The song that's I'd like to be playing is 
Can you out there in blog land tell how this has went?
It's after 5 but it is still Monday.
It is still Monday, ain't it?
I don't even care what the them is anymore.
Let's here some Eric this point of the day I do need some 
I confess, I am drinking but I ain't smoking...
I'm sorry to let ya'll in on it but I am
Redneck Woman
Hell Yeah!
I'm leaving this party with some Aaron Tippin
He's nice...... let's do another on of his.
If ya'll are still here..Well
Bless your heart...
I mean..

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Where are you Fred? Lookin' for Fred the Scarecrow

It's that time again!
We're starting to look for Fred.
Oh...don't everyone have a name for their scarecrow?
We are just now getting in that scarecrow state of mind so 
I thought it would be a good a idea to look back at 
past Fred's that has spent the season with us.
Scarecrow 2012
Scarecrow 2011
Fred was a bit on the lean side.
Fred likes to hang out with his friends. 
They're jolly bunch!

Sometimes, we have so much fun around here that we can't help ourselves from rolling down the hill.

Often, it's a nice trip down memory lane.
Thanks for stopping by.
Be Blessed!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Coasters from Plastic Shopping Bags

Love 'em or hate 'em, we almost all have them.
The plastic shopping bag.
I personally do not hate them. I remember the day of the brown paper bag or if you're from the south,
the poke sack. I remember bottoms busting at the least bit of wetness. They didn't usually have those nifty handles

I'm betting your not like me. I'm sure you have one of those hanging shopping bag holder or
some other very clever organization method.
As fore me..I stuff them in that little cabinet door beside the stove....nothing much  fits in there anyway.
Sometimes, I take them back to the store for recycling. It may ease a few folks mind to know they are all recycled bags. As soon as I'm rid of them all I want to kick myself because I need one for something.

Do you reuse yours?
Just today, I used them.
First, I used one to line the trash can in the bathroom. It is beyond my understanding who would possibly buy that little roll of bags they sell at the store...unnecessary.
Second, I bagged up some pine-cones. We gather them for the winter.
Dried pine-cones can be a great fire starter.

Last, I made some braided coasters.
We are always needing one or two more;
so I thought I'd remedy some bags and our lack or coasters.

It was quick, cheap, and best of all easy.
This is what I did...

One coaster will take 3 bags.
Lay them flat and cut down the sides to open them up. 
You will won't the length out of them.

Knot all 3 bags together at one end.
Pull the knot tight to get it as small as possible.
Clip the ends closely.

Twist each bag and braid.
It doesn't have to be perfect or too tight.
If it's too tight it doesn't want to bind and any little hanging out parts
can be clipped off.

Now you are ready to coil it around and sew it.
The braid may be stiff at first but it's plastic; work it in your hand. It will for up for you.
I used button thread and a fairly big needle. I also thought to do it with dental floss but I had grey thread. 
I do recommend using a thimble.

When you are sewing try to put the needle between the braid.
To sew through the plastic itself is very tough.

Last thing I did was sew a piece of felt to the back.
You could surely hot glue your back and you could use 
cork if you had it on hand.

That's it!
I can't believe I didn't have some other color bags;
 it would have looked so much better.
Brown bags also look close to straw or cornhusks and add a very natural look. 

Thanks for stopping by 
checking out my little project.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013