I could barely wait for Jack to get home from school
so we could get Fred, our scarecrow put out.
I thought we would have gotten him together over the weekend but rainy weather put a damper on most things this weekend. I must seem to be running behind the rest of the world when it comes to decorating but it is typical for us to get in the real feel of Autumn and Halloween about a week before and then we tend to roll with that until Thanksgiving.(I hate to be rushed through my holidays)
We're also more geared toward a harvesting theme over the Ghouls & Ghost
We'll be throwing in a little spookiness for our annual Monster Mash party that my sister helps me put on for our little band of monster(kids).
This is how we started out with Fred.
A pair of my worn out bibs and button up shirt will serve as our scarecrows body.
Jack kept asking if he was going to be a boy or a girl.
Last year Fred should have been Fredricka due to the hat we chose but I told him it would surely be a boy.
I initially thought to get some burlap for the head but apparently the price of burlap is on the rise in Patrick County so we went with
this cheaper cotton.
This isn't a very clear picture but I basically made a sack.
Folding it in have sewed the seams on both sides
and then
I base stitched about 3 inches from each side seam allowing us to stuff the head and then draw it up.
We just used some old pieces of planks we had laying around nailed together for a frame.
We had already decided we were going to set him in an old chair we found in the edge of the woods so we went with shorter boards;
if you plan to stand him up longer boards would most likely work better.
Now your ready....
Stuff, stuff and keep stuffing.
We used some straw.
We sat him in his chair and put on his hat.
Fred will be very pleased.
Thanks for stopping by.
Be a Blessing!