Monday, January 6, 2014

BRrr..Baby It's Cold Outside~the Long Range Forecast

Just like an AM radio station here I am to give you my daily weather conditions.
Do you need me to tell you what it is right now?
Well, if you do it's cold and windy but not the coldest yet...
We started out this morning with a drizzle of rain and temperatures reading 43.3 degrees at 7am.
At 2:30pm, it is now 41 degrees clear skies and windy and windy
They are telling my the worst is yet to come and right now I feel fortunate when seeing the pictures of the folks west of us.

My Dad is a truckdriver by trade. For those who are not familiar with freezing conditions and diesel fuel, I want to give a quick word of warning.
Diesel fuel will gel, if the temperture is below freezing.
It will often do things to other mechanical things just because of the mere cold.
Take Caution.
Know your situation.

Stay warm 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5th and the Long Range Forecast

This is the kind of day that's not good for much more than snuggling in,
hugging up to the fire, and eating something warm.
The temperature on the thermometer is reading 43.7 right now 
at 4 pm but it was quite icy this morning.
The Ole Man called from work to let me know there was some slick spots around. 

So now what?
A white chicken chili is great on a day like today.
I'm also a bread lover, so slice me off a hunk of  Mozzarella French Toast.
A cup of coffee and a movie and the day is pretty much set.

Thanks for dropping by for the forecast.
What your weather looking like?

Be Careful on your weekend travels
Be Blessed!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014~Long Range Forecast

It's 2:25 pm and nothing but sunny skies!
Temperature is reading 42.4 degrees.

John called in to the radio with this little phrase to forecast the weather:

"If it's clouds upon a frosty morning bad weather is on the way."
 We definitely had that Yesterday... 

Come-on with your own weather folklore..

Be a Blessing!

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3, 2014~Long Range Forecast

Oh my pick for today.
It was a whopping 10 degrees coming out of the plant this morning at 7am.
I've been hustling around putting away Christmas and take down decoration
I did take a look at the gauge at 3 pm; it was 35.9 and the sun was shining.
Sun shining with a fairly blustery wind.

Thanks for keeping up with the forecast!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014~The Long Range Forecast

Wow..what a difference a day makes!
There's plenty of clouds and drizzling rain for today.
The temperature is reading 44.9 at 3:00.

It's a great day for sipping coffee and dipping fatback..

Be Blessed!