Welcome Monday!
and another
Monday Music Moves Me!
This is a blog hop that has just become my favorite. Do you look forward to Monday?
I do.
The kids are in school, hubby is at work and it's me, the dog, coffee and my music friends.
This week is a freebie and that means it's always exciting; there's no telling where we will all end up.
Join in and link up.
I must get a new button; mine is flawed or old but click the link you'll get there.
Folks that know me, know by now that I'm a huge bluegrass/old country fan but I'm also eclectic.
I like a little of everything; so I'm going to grab all my music from my Youtube subscription
Music City Roots. I hope you hear something that pleases your ears. So here we go....
I'm going to start this off with the storyteller, Tom T, Hall. It's a little slow but he's a sweet treasure
Second on my list is "In the Jailhouse Now."
This ones a little different by Pokey LaFarge.
Number three is "Whipping Post" by Mountain Heart.
Let's take flight with this next song "Angel Flight." A touching song by Radney Foster.
Here's and awesome number by Raul Malo,"Every Little Thing About You."
Are you still with me? If so have a little "Mercy Now," Mike Farris.
You can also see one of my favorite guitarist Kenny Vaughan or as known on
The Marty Stuart Show as Brotha' Kenny.
I wish you a wonderful Monday full of much love.
Be a Blessing!