Sunday, December 1, 2013

Good Neighbor Finale

Just a quick little post to Thanks Everyone who participated in 
the Good Neighbor Hop.
I had a lot of fun with this and I met several great people. 

Southern Direction

Our Late Bloom Feature goes to
Country Road Abode~Thankfulness in my Living Room
It was a very thankful and sweet post.

Southern Direction

My favorite post and choice for feature spot goes to
Cheese Acre Farm for their Southern Pecan Pie
Anyone who knows me know I Love a Pecan Pie.

Thanks again for all who joined us!
The Christmas Countdown is on!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful Homecomings


Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Music Moves Me~What You Listened to in High School

Welcome Monday
Monday Music Moves Me
VandyJ chose our theme today and it is
What you listened to in High School.

Mmm...what I listened to in High School...

With the sweet smell of diesel fuel in the air the tunes were often some of these:



But once I got my wheels rolling I'd Rock-it-up


Boy Daddy didn't like this one...




Was there really anything back in the day
Hot Rod Cars & Rock-n-Roll


Well this could go on and on let's end this like any could night would..


Thanks for traveling down Reminiscent Road with me.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Good Neighbor Blog Hop #4

Good Morning & Happy Day!
to all my Good Neighbors.

This is the last week of the week of November and we are also running headlong into Thanksgiving. My hope for all my family, friend, and good neighbors is a better connection with God through a thankful heart for all the many blessings that he has bestowed to us all. I also hope we all step away from our whims and rushes of the week to truly enjoy our families spending, our time with the ones in our lives that are truly precious.
May we be thankful not only for the sake of the holiday but may we live with a thankful heart everyday.
Let's get to announcing the feature posts from the past week.
I like to put the last first so I'm going to start out by announcing our 
Late Bloomer.
Southern Direction

the Little Homestead in Boise
for their post First Snow Yesterday"All is Lost-Wow, Sunny Fall Chickens Today

And now let's get on to our 2 feature spots:
Southern Direction

Ann from Summers Acres has chosen A Family Tradition of Sustainability.
Thank you Rural Economist!

For my choice I picked Fall Baby Shower  thanks to the Nifty Thrifty Family!

I want to thank everyone that participated in this little blog hop.
I hope we make a grand showing for this weeks hop;
This will be the last week for this hop.
Much Love!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dried Flower Arrangement

Well it's that time of year when the flowers are all spent and the leaves have all turned. Even so, I think the colors suit me fine lately. The past few years I really prefer reds, oranges, and many shades of brown.
When I was in my 20's, it was blues and mauves. In my 30's, I  lived in a different home and the colors in that home always seemed to generate toward a red, white, and blue theme. My home now-a-days seems to be better suited with earth tones.

Have you always decorated with a particular color?
If so, what's your favorite colors?