Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 21014~Long Range Forecast

Nothing but clear skies here in Stuart,Virginia.
Maybe a fine feathered cloud.
The temperature is reading 48.9 at 2:27 pm.

As I snapping pictures around the yard, there is bit's of green 
that will poke through if you scrap the leaves back but plenty of brown 
to let you know what time of the year it is.

The Ole Man got me a nifty book for Christmas.

As I've been walking about been thinking on some of the chapters 
I've read through.
It's a blessed day here.
Hope your day is blessed as well.

Be a Blessing!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Long Range Forecast

I had thought to refrain from Link-ups of a while but as I was listening to WHEO our local AM radio station(1270). They were doing their call in section called Community Conversations when John a regular caller called in with a giggle and said he had the way to tell what your weather will be all year.

Richard said, "Okay, tell us."

John said,"You record the weather for the first 12 days of the year. Then each day should be a reflection of the overall weather for each month; the first day would be January and the second day would be February." 

I thought it sounded fun and wondered how accurate it would be and first thought I would make a post and keep up with it through the year. Then I thought it might be fun for others to join in as well.
I may be the only sort that find fun in such things.

I have set up a little link-up.
Feel free to link-up!

I'm going to chime in January 1-12 and then the last day of each month.
At the end of the year maybe I'll drink a warm cup of cider
have a chuckle or maybe I'll be surprised.

Sharing at the HomeAcre Hop

Monday, December 30, 2013

Joys for a New Year

noun 1. a feeling of great pleasure & happiness. delight, jubilation, triumph, bliss
verb 2. rejoice.

I've been traveling through some much loved sites and visiting blogs that I've neglected due to the rush of the holiday season. There seems to be an abundant call for Joy for the new year.I thought possibly it was only me who felt somewhat eluded by the presents of it lately. I hadn't commented too much of my lack of joy because there tends to be an abundance of comments suggesting that a lack of joy is to be lacking in faith or that you might not love or appreciate what God so graciously gives us. 

Hurry, worry and noise will steal your joy.

This phrase is stated on our local AM radio station by the commentator often and there's a lot of truth in the statement but the modern life is full of hurry, worry, and noise. I sometimes feel as if the more I try to escape these three, the more I'm bombarded by them. 

 Are you making resolution?
I gave up resolution and instead I set goal.
Are you taking inventory of your resolutions or goal?
I am too.
Will you pray about your goals?
I'm afraid not to.

Will there be "joy" in 2014?
If we rejoice, I'm sure we will find bliss.

Psalm 70:4 
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee; and let such as love thy salvation say, Let God be magnified.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Santa Claus is Everywhere~Monday Music Moves Me

Well, here we are looking directly in the face of

2 day..right?
Rather than lie to you 
I'll tell you I have reach my usual Bah Humbug place...
Do you want to hear all my crappy reason?
Of course you don't...
Well then, that would make you a liar. 
My Jack has woke up and is so excited he's about to bust.
I'll let ya listen to Merle and I'll pour a cup of coffee and put a smile on the face.


Good mornin'
~Merry Christmas~
Monday Music Moves Me!








                's good & the Lord is too.
Have a Merry Christmas!