Friday, September 14, 2012

Here We Go to Nancy's

It's is almost impossible for me to go up the mountain without stopping and taking in the views. I never, never get tired of it. I thought you might enjoy some of the pictures on the way to Nancy's Candy Company.

Of course, the graffiti.
Do you really have to deface God's handy work to prove your love or that you were here?
Watch your step!
It's a steep trail.

Fog is hanging over Stuart.

Let's stop and get a bottle of pop before we head back down the mountain.

Starting to look like Autumn

What a wonderful way to spend a day!
Have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by
Southern Direction.

Nancy's Candy Company....Chocolate Heaven

I took a little drive up the road to one of my most favorite places to visit, "Nancy's Candy Company. Most the time we just call it Nancy's fudge because that's what she is so famous for. Nancy's is located in Meadows of Dan, Virginia just off the Blue Ridge Parkway; mile marker 177.1 or if you are coming from the town of Stuart it's about 14 miles up highway 58. If coming in this direction don't for get to make a right at the marker for Meadows of Dan or you'll be all the way in Hillsville before you realize you've gone to far. 

I was feeling a little down hearted on Thursday so I decided to soothe my soul with chocolate. I thought it would be a great place to share with you. This is not just a trip to a candy store. Nancy's is an experience. 

Nancy's fudge  and her story is an inspiration. She is the proof positive that good thing can happen to good people, hard working people. When I was a little girl, Daddy liked to take a Sunday drive on the mountain but back then Nancy was selling her wonderful fudge straight off her back porch. 

Even on a Thursday morning folks are stopping by.

Going inside! I am a kid again!

Can't you find anything you like?

Jelly Belly's...yum.
Tell yourself not to get distracted you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Chocolate covered almost anything.
Peanute brittle too!!

She has a wonderful sugar free selection.
I doubt you can tell much difference
but..I'm here for the real stuff.

 Oh yeah....

Life is full of hard choices!

She has lot's of wonder gifty items too.
"Too much of a good thing is wonderful," May West.

She has a glass window that looks directly into the factory. 
I love looking in at them. I can't helping thinking of "I Love Lucy."

Nancy's Candy Company...a winner.
Friendly Folks!

Well I hope I have totally tempted you But if the drive is too far Nancy ships worldwide. 
Nancy's Candy Company, will talke you to her. 
As always thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Activate Martinsville Henry County!/media/set/?set=a.188594894935.122251.33410349935&type=1

Good mornin'!!

I just wanted to list a quick link for Activate Martinsville Henry County. Some great pictures of the 5K. I seem to be missing all these great events lately but I want to show my support. I also want to give a big congratulation to the WINNERS.

                 Do you know who the WINNERS are?

The Winners are all those who Go the Race. Some run... some walk....but they finish the race.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Good Morning Monday

Good morning! This is an absolutely beautiful Monday morning. Most people hate Mondays and especially the morning hours but for me it is quite the opposite. My Monday is more like your Sunday morning because my work week start at 11:00 pm tonight. I also get the luxury a very still house once the old man (husband) and kids are at work and on the bus to school. September seems to have arrived in Stuart last night. This morning is a cascade of sun rays, bugs humming, and birds singing and temperatures that dropped into the 50's. Right now it is 8:46 and the temperature is 66 degrees and 75% humidity and it's wonderful!

I have a few things on my mind as this new week begins. Almost a year ago I took a leap of faith and quit the job I had been doing for about twelve years. There was many, many reasons for this life change and I felt sure at that time I made the right decision. I still believe it was necessary at the time but now I'm trying to understand where my direction is next. I left on good terms so more than likely I could get my employment back with them. I'm considering making a visit to talk to my friend in human resources to get a feel for what is going on there. I could right a long and lengthy post about that decision in  itself. Just the thought of going back and talking to them gives me quite a sick feeling.

I have some errands while I'm in town and I am going to stop by my Mama's house. I haven't been over in about two weeks. For me that is a long time we usually get together as a family at Mama's on most Sundays for dinner but I have not visited since my Daddy made some comments that I felt crossed a certain line and to be quite frank made me mad. If I had seen him then I'm sure I would have said things in the most wrong offensive way; so I've been avoiding them. Childish isn't it?? My Aunt Henrietta is visiting with Mama for the month. It would be most unkind of me not to visit and the absence of a visit would make it so obvious that something was  wrong between me and the parents.

With my aunt in for a visit there's a big family get together scheduled for this Saturday. My Mama is one of eleven children. When we get together it's big; we're a big family. I am trying to decide what dishes to bring. I will get picks to share of the meal. There will be so much food you won't believe. I guess big families eat big. Think...think...think...

I have also spent some time reading some really good blogs. I have connected with a blog support which I probably need to connect with often. There are so many things I had never considered about blogging. I have alot to learn. I have become hooked on blogging in a most stumbling kind of way but I love it. I have a problem with feeling alone even though I am almost never physically alone but the blogging community has let me know that there are other people out there that care about so many of the same things I care about. It gives me a warm feeling.

Yesterday I washed the outside of the house down and cleaned the porches off. Boy was it needed! I need to get some new wreathes on my doors. I make most of my own and I try very hard to use the natural things around me. Sometimes they are wonderful and some of the time I wasn't as pleased. Good or bad at least it's a direct extension of me. I'm looking forward to a new look. I am also wanting to buy some more mums. Mine that are planted around bloomed way early this year. There is very little left of them even though I've been deadheading to prolong them. I need more!!

I'm going to pray for God's direction and I hope that you do too. Have a blessed day and thanks visiting Southern Direction.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sharing My Button/Many Thanks to Susan


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I have been on a three day learning experience. I had been told I really needed a button for my blog. First, I had to learn what a button was. I will remind you I am not computer trained I am one of those self taught people when it comes to the computer. I have seen very nice button but this is mine and my first. I feel very satisfied that I accomplished this little feat but not without the help of Susan a fellow blogger. I will definately share her botton and also add her to my favorite blog page.
Thanks Susan!
Your a very good teacher.