Thursday, January 31, 2013

Loretta, Loretta...Where have you gone?

What a hectic couple of weeks? I have been blessed to begin a new job. But with a new job, comes new routines. The Old Man and the kids have been a bit tousled, along with our animals and me too. I got home after dark Tuesday and after putting my bag away and checking in with the family I went out to check on Judd our goat and our hens.
Judd is a big cry baby and he was hollering at me from the time my car hit the drive as only a crazed eyed billy goat will do. After he settled down I walked on down to shut the girls up for the night. I found we were missing one. 
The loss of a animal is typical if you have animals for any length of time but I have to say it has hurt my feelings a bit. I might have known Loretta would be the one to come up missing. She's like the outcast. She's the one whose always by herself while the others stay closely together. She's a bit of a loner and I'm sure Bertha has hen pecked her quite a bit. 
Has she decides to roost out somewhere other than the hen house?
Did some varmint  get her? 
Is something ready to prey on the other girls?
Did she just keep walking and not realize she had to walk back?

All I have is questions.
It's quite funny the way things will change on a person. My first thought of having chickens was for eggs and I was going to put some in the pot. Instead they have taken their place just as a family member and here I am typing up a whole post on my missing Loretta.

I wish you a very blessed day 
and thank you for stopping by for a visit.

Lil Something To Chew On--Baptism

I just had to share this post from Lil Something to Chew ON.

I've added a few pictures 
but this is not the creek we were baptized in.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pinworthy Projects Link-Up Party

Much more linky fun!

Sew-Licious -Link Up Party

Check out all the craftiness!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Mad Hatter

Oh's been a while since I've made a post. 
I have had a bit of a full plate but I've also been preoccupied.

Am I the only one who has that happen?
I've had hats on the brain. 
Thinking about them, think what the next one will be...

I've also being doing a little work on my Etsy shop. I've changed my shop name and I've also been trying to pare it down to what I really enjoy doing. I think I'm reliving my children through my shop. Church should definitely not be about what is worn but I greatly enjoyed seeing my girls in those little Daisy Kingdom dresses and my little boy in a smart little vest. I don't think children dress that way as much these days and sometimes it makes me a little sad. 
My boys would surely not wear anything that I made these days they are all blue jeans and boots. 
My girls will still entertain me and they are what inspires me.

Thanks so much for stopping by for a little visit!