Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bringing Down the Pines~2 Down

Oh yes,as messy as it looks.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bringing Down the Pines

Our Big Boys
The large pines that loom over our home has been the subject of many prayers, thoughts, and now action. The Ole Man(husband) had a tree service to come out and estimate the cost and plan the removal, yesterday. If weather permits they will be here today to take down two or possibly three.
Yes, I did say take down, not take out.
We're not rich folk.
So to make this project not cost so much we will be handling the getting rid of part.
Any project sends the Ole Man into deep thought, contemplation, and planning....and reiterating to us(Ole Lady and kids) what part we will all play in this.
He's not wrong. This will be a heck of  a lot of work.
You can see our totem pole that stands next to the cars;
he limbed  it two years ago out of fear of the weight. He had strong intention of taking it down then but sometimes our best laid plans go wrong.

From this view of the house, you can see how ominously they lean into the house.

In my heart, I have always dreaded the day the tree would come down. When me and my prior husband bought this home he suggested taking them down but I resisted. This home is always comfortable in the summer. The yard is welcoming and shady and the house is quite cool and comfortable.
We do not live with air conditioning.
I am in hopes that it doesn't change things so drastically.
Most folks that no me, know I don't prefer change.
Sometimes, that is my own demise.

With optimistic heart, I believe this has been a lesson from God to me. Through my own Bible study and prayer and my want/need to be a better gardener, and a video my sister sent me via email last year that I have put off watching until this morning.
Back to Eden
If you watch this video you will first hear the most wonder testimony through gardening but secondly you like me, might fulfill your gardening needs(with prayer and faith) and there will be a purpose for all these trees that are coming down(as long as I can rent/get a chipper).

Do check out the video.
I think you will enjoy it.
Thank you for stopping by.

Twin towers/flag

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Joining the Seed of the Month Club

Last Friday, I joined The Seed of the Month Club. 
                                         Seeds of the Month Club
It wasn't expensive so I told myself it wasn't an overly compulsive thing to do. 
I questioned myself as to why I would join a seed club just as planting season is
basically over. You avid gardeners out there no that there is plenty of time for planting 
a late summer/fall garden. 
Am I an avid gardener?
but I dream that I could be.
Take a look at what showed up Monday!
I'm impressed with the quick shipping!
Maybe, I'll keep momentum going and with a little luck
(no green thumb here)
I'll be sharing pictures of some veggies in a few weeks.

The fact remains that we have no topsoil that is worth anything.
I've tried composting and different other things to build it up so I try to not get overly 
excited because it leaves me overly depressed many times with the outcome.
The old man talks about bringing in loads of dirt, making raised beds, etc., etc.....
but that means he will have to take a much bigger role in the gardening.
(he likes to do it in spurts)

Some of the seeds that arrived are quite familiar and some I have never heard of.
That makes it exciting. 
New veggies mean new recipes!
Worst case...we could eat flowers...
Thanks for stopping by for a visit!
Be a Blessing!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Music Moves Me~Disney Style

I'm looking out on an absolutely glorious Monday. 
I'm glad to join in again on another 
Monday Music Moves Me.
I've missed you guys...
let's get this party started with this weeks theme
You favorite Disney songs and(or) music from the 70's.

I'm going to start my music off with one of my favorites 
Snow White's Whistle While You Work
My next song will be from the Little Mermaid.
When my daughter Hannah was just a wee little girl it was her favorite.
Lion King was the cartoon of choice for my son Louis.
I think this should be "his song."
He's one of those happy-go-lucky people.
So..Hakuna Matata
Oh my Alisha was a bird of a different feather; a movie fan from the beginning 
and I mean big time but for her it has always been musicals. 
She wants to sing; she wants to dance; and she most certainly wanted to be 
Truly Scrumptious.
She most likely can still recite and sing the entire
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang movie.(and it's a very long movie)
Baby boy Jack
(no he's not a baby anymore but yes he will always be to me)
loves anything that rumbles, rolls, and has a motor so of course you know
his favorite movie is undoubtedly Cars.
When he was just a baby in his bouncy seat the old man( his daddy) walked 
in the room, put a big greasy thumb on his forehead while laughing at my shocked face 
and told me quite frank that his dad said that would seal the deal. 
I hate to admit it but it worked!
I am sure I could do this all day 
but there's other folks to visit. 
Thanks for stopping by!
I couldn't resist just one more.
Be Blessed!
Happy Monday