Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas Pillows

  Hey! Just a quick Hello, here.
Throwing some Christmas 
throw pillows out on the couch.

Getting ready to get Christmas on!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Vintage Pillows

Hey and a Good Tuesday to ya! 
Do you ever just wake up with an overwhelming notion to do something? Well, I do and today it was making pillows. Better yet, remaking pillows. 
I titled this post vintage pillows and in a way are. I had some pillows that were looking quite worn and really in need of a redo. I intend on using them in my bedroom so I went with colors and fabric I had used in the quilt I recently finished.

Some of my fabrics that I used were quite old so it really brought the vintage feel to the pillows.

The fabric being older also made me want to use some piping to give the pillows a little more strength in the seams 
and I think it also gave the pillows a little more shape .

You can purchase piping at craft stores but sometimes it's hard to find just what you want in mind.
Sometimes the quantity you want might make it a better choice to make it yourself.
I make mine by sewing a piece of cording or natural rope between the piece of fabric I'm wanting to use .

The first pillow. 
You know that just got me started. I played around with different stuff I had until I had satisfied my need for pillows.

Thank you for stopping by.
I hope you're inspired to make some pillows too.
Be Blessed!