Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Halloween

My little Ninja Warrior
You can see Petey trying to get in on the karate action.
Hey! I hope everyone enjoyed a safe and adventurous Halloween night. We changed up this year and didn't go trick or treating. Alot of the reason behind that decision was because Jack has been sick most of the week. Yesterday was the first day he had went to school this week and by the time he had got home I had to do a little coaxing to get any excitement out of him at all. So we opted to go to the Walmart, get some halloweeny movies and make cookies and eat pizza. 
All in all we still had a fun time. Jack had worn his costume to school and partied with his class. He wore his costume to Walmart and still got loaded up on candy that the store associates were handing out. 
Don't worry..
Jack has been in ninja mode for a week. This costume has had it's fun. 
I'm ashamed...I didn't make the cookies from scratch. Well not really ashamed. Pillsbury makes a pretty good peanut butter cookie. Yummy with coffee.
We picked cheap movies out of the $5.00 been. Jack really wanted Scooby-Doo and the Pirates the most but he fell asleep before he got to it. He also was excited about Despicable Me's, Minion Madness- Three mini-movies. It was very cute but they weren't kidding when they said mini. I picked The Goonies. He loved that one. I also picked Where The Wild Things Are. I really enjoyed this book when I was a kid but honestly this movies was so disturbing to us we had to cut it off. I really could write a whole posting about how awful I thought this movie was but I guess I would have to watch the whole thing to be objective. 
I don't think I can or will.
We had fun. I hope ya'll had fun.

Thanks for the visit!

DIY Cider

OMG! I can't wait to try this too easy.

I'm not prepared today but when I get it together I'll show you some pictures and tell ya how it went for me.
Drop me a line if anyone else gives this a try.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Good Mornin' Monday

Good Monday morning to all of you. After last weeks 80 degree weather the 40 degree's this morning will get ya moving a little quicker or maybe wish you could curl in the covers just a little longer. Word from on the mountain is that they had alittle light dust of snow and also some spits of ice. Ooh ..glad I'm here at the foot of the mountain.

The weekend came and went in a hurry around here. Jack played his last flag football game of the season, Alisha had a band competition and Tori starred in the One Act Plays. I had intention of getting up to Mabry Mill and getting some pics of the beautiful foliage but it's just been to hectic around here. By looking at the trees right here I don't think there's many leaves left. Once the leaves had started turning they we're already fallen.

 Halloween this Wednesday and then on to Thanksgiving. I've been reminded by a fellow blogger that Christmas is only a very few weeks away. Very For all you well planned folks out there I do commend you but it ain't me. Some of that is because I won't put up any decorations or movement towards Christmas until after Thanksgiving. We must be thankful first! After working in big box retail for almost twelve years and it's made me  a little cynical over the commercialized chaos that usually surrounds Christmas.

For me I look forward to the family gatherings, homemade wreaths, smells of cinnamon and pine and the Christmas pageants. Maybe we'll have a little snow this winter season.

                         With all that being said, here are a few pics from the weekend.
                                                         Thanks for stopping by

Jack painting his pumpkin at the Fall Festival

Tori as Arlecchino
The False Turk
My football player

The best football to watch
the Band doin' alittle practice before loading the bus

as always


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wonderfully Directed

Isn't God's direction wonderful?
Isn't it wonderful to be directed by the one who holds the map?

I get the funnies looks from some of my family and friend when I mention that I have a blog of my own. To be honest most the time I have to explain what a blog even is. Oh yeah, that's how it is around. Up until about a year ago I was the person being dragged in the modern world, specifically technology. Also by nature I'm somewhat of a shy person, as least when it came to sharing my true feelings and thoughts. I had out grown be so shy that I could hardly speak but I really wasn't willing to share myself; unless you were very close to me.
What happened with me was that I was really quite lonely....
I was lonely but at the same time, almost consumed by my children, my job, my husband and so on and 
so on...
Everything was suffering.
I had been raised in church and I still believed in Jesus but I was sorta' like a boat that had drifted away from the riverbank. I remember driving to work on New Years Eve (2011) when I passed a sign at a church that read, "I resolve to know God better" and I said to myself, "me too." I remember repeating that resolution to a friend at work and saying that was the only resolution worth making. 
Well to be quite honest, God was listening.
I made my resolution to read my Bible daily and I did. This was not something new to me but one of those things I let get pushed around in my life until it was completely pushed away. 
by and by..
My family had developed some crazy situations; my job had turn phsyco and I thought I was losing my mind.
then I kept have  this verse coming at me in many, many direction.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God......
So I began to pray about this scripture and pray that I was doing what God wanted me to do and not just what I wanted to do. With all that being said I quit my job last October. This was a hard for me because I have always worked. Most importantly I have always needed to work; has required it to make ends meet. I was convinced that I must at least temporarily  devote myself back to my home.
Once I Put away my fear and put on FAITH my life started falling back into place.
Oh, has God blessed me!!
Through a very funny little winding path I have been lead to the community of bloggers. What I have learned is that I'm not at all alone; I'm not even alone in my belief . I'm so refreshed when I meet some new person that shares belief in God also.
Where is God leading me next? 
I don't know.
I do know He knows the direction and He holds the map.
I'm not sure what has pressed me so hard to share all this with you today. It's sorta like a 
Wednesday witness. 
I hope you've gotten something out of all this rambling I've done here.
Thanks for stopping by Southern Direction.
Be blessed!

p.s. Fear is the opposite of Faith.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Apple Dumpling Festival

Here you go!
Stuart, Virginia's Annual
Apple Dumpling Festival
Great turn out!
Lots of Artisans!

Yum, yum
Local grown apple
                                               The guest of honor..Apple Dumplings

How 'bout Homemade ice cream atop those dumplings?

Music at the amphitheatre
C.C. Coates Band
Am I in the warm sun in the middle of the day?
Some dimly lit corner?
Great Blues Band!
What a way to enjoy an autumn day? This is just one of a few festivals that Stuart puts on but it definitely is a favorite. Nothing screams the turning leaves and the brisk air like the Apple Dumpling Festival. As you can see folks turned out from all over. Definitely a stopping point for many traveler. This little town is at the foot of the Blue Ridge Parkway and makes a wonderful place to stop on your next leaf watching adventure. I thank you for letting me share my day with you and thank you for stopping by 
Southern Direction.

Be blessed.