Oh my..my Christmas Countdown is getting confusing.
Yesterday, I started my countdown at 23 days,
just now I heard the announcer on the radio say,
"It's 22 days until Christmas.
I have gone to the calendar and counted.
Note..I was a blonde child.
Well... getting my Christmas on.....
1. I've been getting my funky junk style on the move.
one old chippy board
one old window sheer
Yes..an old wheel
Add some greenery ,
old chipped ornaments
2. Make a couple of wreathes from ground cedar.
The above link will take you to an old post about finding
ground cedar & making wreathes.
3. I went through the old junk drawer to find some old canning rings and lids.
I had some that I was looking for the rusty ones I had painted.
I poured some liguid potpourri into a small glass candle holder,
wrapped some cedar around those
added a small pine cone to carry the fragrance.
I snugged those all around the house.
4. I found an old broke lantern behind the building;
You know it..just keep adding...add a little more.
Putting some red berries
a pine cone.
5. Last but not least, I snugged primitive Santa on the steps.
That's it!
I'm done for this day.
Where's my cup of coffee!